Certified Life Coach, Licensed Massage Therapist, Advanced Polarity Practitioner
At the Saco Healing Arts Center, Beth Koehler is a Whole Life Coach offering Massage for the Body, Empowerment Life Coaching for the Mind and Polarity Therapy and Reiki for the Spirit. She is able to help her clients realize their emotional, energetic and/or physicals blocks.
Drawing upon her talents as an active listener, her keen sense of asking the right question at the right time, her ability to perceive her clients energetic flow and blocks and her knowledge of the physical body, Beth can help on many levels. During your coaching sessions, you will begin to understand why you might feel stuck, are discouraged or are unhappy. Together, you will discover your hopes and dreams and realize that you have so much more power and control over your path than you might think. Your session may include talking and listening, homework, EFT, guided visualizations and time on the table for massage or energy work. You will begin to feel stronger at your core and from there; you can make different, more positive choices leading to your ability to manifest any goal. (more…)