
Beth Koehler

Certified Life Coach, Licensed Massage Therapist,  Advanced Polarity Practitioner

At the Saco Healing Arts Center, Beth Koehler is a Whole Life Coach offering Massage for the Body, Empowerment Life Coaching for the Mind and Polarity Therapy and Reiki for the Spirit. She is able to help her clients realize their emotional, energetic and/or physicals blocks.

Drawing upon her talents as an active listener, her keen sense of asking the right question at the right time, her ability to perceive her clients energetic flow and blocks and her knowledge of the physical body, Beth can help on many levels. During your coaching sessions, you will begin to understand why you might feel stuck, are discouraged or are unhappy. Together, you will discover your hopes and dreams and realize that you have so much more power and control over your path than you might think. Your session may include talking and listening, homework, EFT, guided visualizations and time on the table for massage or energy work. You will begin to feel stronger at your core and from there; you can make different, more positive choices leading to your ability to manifest any goal.

The job of any Life Coach is to help one realize and manifest their goals. As a Certified Life Coach, Polarity Therapist and Reiki Practitioner, Beth Koehler brings something special to her coaching sessions. Her understanding of how to use the Law of Attraction as a way to bring about profound change is an added benefit to her unique talents.

Some of the issues Beth can help with are:

  • The empty nest feeling
  • Bring order into chaos
  • Become healthier and more active
  • Purge and clean out
  • Feel stronger from within and believe in yourself
  • Figure out your next step
  • Set up goals and help you stay the course

Some of the other classes Beth has taught are: How to Manifest your Goals Using Law of Attraction, Intro to your Chakras and Aura, Understanding Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Personal Empowerment classes in various settings and conferences. As a RYSE III teacher, Beth has empowered many students to understand and take control of their own energetic systems which leads to greater clarity and vitality. Beth is also available as a very engaging speaker for groups and organizations. Call Beth to see what classes she may be offering soon. 207-653-9792

Beth is a graduate of the Fowler Wainwright International Institute of Professional Coaching, The Coach Mindset Elite Life Coach Training and Certification and is a member of the International Association of Coaching. She attended the Polarity Realization Institute and completed the 650 hour Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP) training. She went on at the Institute to become a Level III RYSE (Realizing Your Sublime Energies) Trainer and teaches RYSE classes. Beth holds a 1000 hour certificate of study from the Florida School of Massage, is a Level II Reiki Practitioner and she learned Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) through the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. Beth has studied, taught and lived the principles of the Law of Attraction since 2008.

Beth’s philosophy is that she is not the healer; she only helps to open the door that has been closed for too long and holds the light while you discover which path calls to you.

For a free 30 Minute Introductory Session with Beth, please call (207­) 653­-9792. If you do not live in the area, phone sessions are available.

Now offering 2 New exciting Massage Techniques

Gua sha is a healing technique of traditional East Asian medicine. Sometimes called ‘coining, spooning or scraping’, Gua sha is defined as instrument-assisted unidirectional press-stroking of a lubricated area of the body surface to intentionally create transitory therapeutic petechiae called ‘sha’ representing extravasation of blood in the subcutis.

Modern research shows Gua sha produces an anti-inflammatory and immune protective effect that persists for days following a single Gua sha treatment. This accounts for its effect on pain, stiffness, fever, chill, cough, wheeze, nausea and vomiting etc., and why Gua sha is effective in acute and chronic internal organ disorders including liver


Massage Cupping is the combination of massage movements and negative pressure with the use of a suction device on the skin. A cup is positioned at the area to be treated and, depending on the type of cups being used; a vacuum is created within the cup to draw the skin and underlying tissue into the cup. The produced vacuum creates a suction effect that increases blood and lymphatic circulation systemically and to the local area, relaxes muscle tissue and support, draws stagnation, pathogenic factors and toxins out of the body and releases a myriad of pain causing factors.

The intended suction can range from light to heavy. This, along with the movements performed and areas treated by the therapist will produce stimulating (toning) or sedating (draining) effects. It is very important that therapists be able to effectively assess the condition (physical, mental and emotional) of their clients, before the procedure, so they employ the proper application of the cups to produce the desired outcome.

Fees: 1 hr massage – $70

1 1/2 hr massage $120

1 1/2 hr Polarity or combo $100

1 hr coaching session $95

Beth offers a free 30 minute coaching session and a variety of coaching packages. For more information please visit:

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